Back Home: For 24 Hours, At Least

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Hello beautiful house! Hello fabulous personal trainees! It’s so good to be home and back to work after our Medford adventure, I cannot express it in words. Perhaps the little jig I’m doing on my computer chair would express it best, but alas, you cannot see me. Just take my word for it, I’m definitely doing a happy dance.

house in Salt Lake City

We’re only home for about 24 hours, though. Enough time for me to meet two new personal training clients and see four of my regulars. I also just got back from seeing my special girl and the new grandbaby Eli. James calls Eli “Other Baby.” Wow, they’ve grown so much since we left! Eli giggles now, so cute! James got Amelia one of those pedal-less kid bikes back at Christmas, when she just turned two. My oh my, can she tear around on that thing! While I was holding Other Baby, Amelia rode circles around me, demanding that I lower Eli so he could watch and learn how to bike like her. We plan to turn Amelia into a future bike racing chick.

Strider bike and kids riding

Here’s Amelia just after barking orders at us to make baby brother watch and learn.

 We leave for a quick trip to the Minnesota/Wisconsin region this evening. All of my family lives there, so I’m excited to see them! My mom and dad are RVers, too. She’s emailed that there’ll be homemade muffins for breakfast at the campground when we arrive. What’s a fitness pro to do when faced with mom’s homemade muffins?

I guess there’ll be a few extra workouts in my near future.

Strider Bike and Amelia

Mugga’s Special Girl

After 15 years as an educator in both the public K-12 setting and the University level in Special Physical Education, Stef made the leap to her true passion… the fitness world. She’s currently a personal trainer and wellness coach specializing in seniors, medical conditions, and injuries. Stef loves running, cycling, and being “Mugga” to her two favorite mini-humans — Punky and Marshmallow. ❤️

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