How a Bicycle Rickshaw got into our wedding vows

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Future brides, be careful what you put in your wedding vows.  They will come back and bite you in the bootie.

James’ latest crazy plan is to buy a bicycle rickshaw…the kind where you pedal in the front and cart two other people around in the backseat.  Even better, the rickshaw he wants is in Dallas, 1300 miles from us.  I’ll admit, it’s pretty neat; 1940’s straight from Japan, very uniquely detailed, but a complete fixer-upper.  The cost of the bike and the expense of getting it back here would be comparable to buying a used car.

Me: What possible use could you get from it?
James: Well, we could give the grandbabies rides around the neighborhood…
Me: Wouldn’t they rather ride their own bikes?
James: I could give my co-workers rides from the parking lot to the office, and donate the money to charity.
Me: Perhaps you could sell sno-cones instead? Or how about a bake sale?

We were actually driving along in the RV when he sprung this on me.  Now, those of you who know James are used to these over-the-top ideas he gets.  But what I’ve learned over the years is that if I can put the kibosh on them in our first conversation, the ideas tend to fizzle and die, never to be heard about again.  However, if I handle it wrong, and the topic comes up a second, and then a third time, I’m pretty much doomed to see the hair-brained scheme through to fruition.  So, you can bet I was thinking before speaking.  I thought I was doing pretty good, actually.  The conversation drifted on to other things. Phew. Rickshaw averted.

And then:
James: You realize you’re currently breaking one of your wedding vows to me.
Me: Uh, excuse me?
James: Remember, the one where you said you’d support all my hair-brained schemes and you would JOIN ME on my half-baked adventures?

Wow, that’s exactly what I said, how did he remember that so well?!  He had me there, I really did say that.  And I was the one who wrote that vow!  What was I thinking?  So here’s my advice to you, future brides.  Don’t write your own vows.  If you do, you might just end up with a bicycle rickshaw.
I just remembered one of James’ vows to me.  He said, “I can just about promise you that sometimes, I will act like such a dufus, that you can’t help but laugh.”
He’s definitely held up his end of the bargain on that one.

After 15 years as an educator in both the public K-12 setting and the University level in Special Physical Education, Stef made the leap to her true passion… the fitness world. She’s currently a personal trainer and wellness coach specializing in seniors, medical conditions, and injuries. Stef loves running, cycling, and being “Mugga” to her two favorite mini-humans — Punky and Marshmallow. ❤️

    2 thoughts on “How a Bicycle Rickshaw got into our wedding vows

      1. Stefany - Post author

        I already tried that loophole, but James insists it’s spelled “hare-brained,” so I’m stuck (curse you, rabbits everywhere!).


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