Fit Tips

Transform Your RV Campsite Into the Best Gym Ever

Transform Your RV Campsite Into the Best Gym Ever

In all the years I’ve been working to promote a healthy RV lifestyle, there’s something I’ve heard more times than I can count— THIS: ‘Exercise while on my RV vacation, really Stef? RV...
Line Balances …and Why It’s So Important To Do Them

Line Balances …and Why It’s So Important To Do Them

Balance is back on my radar after I saw a new study in the British Journal of Sports Medicine. In a nutshell, it found that you’re twice as likely to die in the next decade if you’re...
Sleep. It’s Your Superpower.

Sleep. It’s Your Superpower.

I like sleep.  There, I said it. And not just a little sleep, either. Give me 9 blissful, undisturbed hours each night. Without it, prepare to meet my evil, puffy eyed twin.   ...
Heart Healthy Habits To Keep You On The Road

Heart Healthy Habits To Keep You On The Road

Choices. Every day we’re faced with hundreds of them. In the moment, they might seem trivial. But all those small decisions we make each day, once combined, can add up to either positive or...
Your Social Relationships Can Help You Live Longer

Your Social Relationships Can Help You Live Longer

In the before times, James and I were on the road more than we were home. I’d say about 60% of the year on the road, and 40% home. COVID changed all that; and it wasn’t until last summer...
YOU are the Best Mod Project To Tackle

YOU are the Best Mod Project To Tackle

This time of year I get a lot of questions on my feelings and strategies for setting New Year’s resolutions. I’m certainly not against them. I actually think we should all have goals...
6 Ways to Incorporate Healthy Eating into your RV Lifestyle

6 Ways to Incorporate Healthy Eating into your RV Lifestyle

When traveling, the road to nutrition is paved with weak moments. You can easily get caught up in the whirlwind of the trip, with temptations everywhere, thwarting your good intentions. Every exit...
3 Strategies To Bust Out of Your Comfort Zone When Traveling

3 Strategies To Bust Out of Your Comfort Zone When Traveling

Whether you realize it or not, almost everything you do you’ve done many times before. It’s a rare day when you mix in something totally new or outside your norm. Routines certainly aren’t a...
Seat Adjustments for Healthy RV Driving Posture

Seat Adjustments for Healthy RV Driving Posture

Have you ever had a “bike fit?” Bike fits are when an expert spends an afternoon with you adjusting your bike, measuring you in weird ways,  and doing a bunch of math problems all to ensure you...
An RV Life Your Body Will Love

An RV Life Your Body Will Love

 Did You Know? RVing not only boosts overall wellness, it can add years to your life. How? It gets you moving, keeps you connected with loved ones, encourages you to get outdoors, and brings you...