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Guess where we just were?!


We are back from our Scottsdale & Grand Canyon RV trip, and today I’m looking forward to teaching some SilverSneakers classes at the rec center and seeing a few of my personal training clients. I thought I’d wake up exhausted, since we rolled in at midnight, but strangely, I’m feeling energized and ready to get back to work!


This is what “work” looks like for me. Am I lucky or what?

Any of you planning on driving Hwy 89 past Lake Powell BEWARE. There is a huge detour here.  And I really do mean huge.  In a rare example of inter-state cooperation, the Arizona Department of Transportation got permission to run the detour through Vermont.  Well, maybe not actually Vermont, but it felt like it.  The detour adds ONE HUNDRED MILES to the trip.  (I’m not exaggerating there, it really is a 100 mile detour.  Check it out here.)  I’m sure you can imagine how pleasant Captain Bligh was about the detour…

But in the end, the detour didn’t deter us from having a great trip. We made new fitness videos (coming to the website soon), did loads of touristy things, and were quite smug about the beautiful weather…back home was freezing and yucky.

Hopefully the weather is great and the traffic is light wherever you are today, RV friends!