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If you’ve followed us a while, it probably doesn’t surprise you to learn that James has a process for everything. I’m not even sure he’s aware of it, but trust me, he does. This includes extravagant purchases for tools & machines he really doesn’t need. Take his recent video, where he had to sew a heated mattress pad to warm Number One’s bed chiller wall. James became dissatisfied with his standard heavy duty sewing machine. I remember filming that video and hearing him start STEP 1 (see below), and thinking from behind the camera as he initiated the Complaining Campaign, “welp, here we go…” Once Step 1 is initiated, I know what’s next. The process goes like this.


  • STEP 1: Initiate Complaining Campaign. Ensure spouse hears how hard your life is due to unsatisfactory tool.
  • STEP 2: Secretly research bigger/better/faster tool, and then hone in on The One.
  • STEP 3: Interject the benefits of the new tool into casual conversation with spouse.
  • STEP 4: Leave the new tool pulled up on devices throughout home.
  • STEP 5: Point out other problems in the house/RV the new tool could address. Even if you have no intention of doing them.
  • STEP 6: Engage in creative cost accounting exercises to prove to spouse that the new machine will save money.

James will cycle through these steps until he either gets bored and moves on to the next shiny tool, or I break down and beg him to buy it so I can live in peace again.

This is how he got his new sewing machine, the Sailrite Ultrafeed LSZ. And how I ended up with a brand new shower bag. Thanks honey! You only need to make like 1,000 more then STEP 6 will pay off!