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Now that it’s starting to warm up, I was checking the air conditioners in both Lance and Parky before we really needed them.  Good news, they both worked!

But I also noticed that the air conditioner in Parky was considerably quieter than the one in Lance.   It was enough of a difference that it caused me to investigate.  You see, Parky has a Coleman-Mach 10 NDQ, and Lance had a Dometic Penguin.  But a couple years ago, I had actually removed the Coleman-Mach 10 and replaced it with the Dometic Penguin because, among other things, the Penguin was quieter!  You can read all about that swap in this post from the Fit RV’s wayback machine.  Well, one thing led to another, I busted out the sound meter app, the video camera, and a supply of my favorite bandages and the result is this video.

(Yeah… It seems like pretty much everything I do requires bandages…)


Depending on the settings, the Mach 10 was between 4 and 6 dB quieter than the Dometic Penguin.  It’s certainly noticeable without having to take readings.  But I did, and there are screen shots in the video of the different dB readings I took.  I do have to say though, you may hear me say one thing when the screen shot shows another.  But that’s because the readings jump around a lot and it’s really difficult to get a screen shot at any one particular value.  I did the best I could getting screen captures.  When I was all done, this was the quietest reading I was able to get in Lance with the new Mach 10 NDQ, and it’s the quietest reading Lance has seen with any air conditioner ever:



One other benefit to the Mach 10 NDQ is that it seems to consume about 33% less energy than the Penguin did.  Since our rigs are all lithium powered (we don’t do generators anymore) this is a big benefit to us, because it means we get 33% MORE RUNTIME on a battery charge.  So 3 hours of runtime became 4… just like that.

Believe it or not, this is actually the FOURTH air conditioner that has sat atop Lance since we’ve had him.  Four.  (And none of them were broken or worn out.)  He started off with a Coleman-Mach 8, and that was replaced with a Mach 10.  The Mach 10 was replaced with the Dometic Penguin, and now the Penguin has been replaced with a Coleman-Mach 10 NDQ.  I think that works out to one air conditioner per year, which seems like a very accelerated maintenance schedule to me, but whatever.

Sounds great!  Where can I get one?

If you’re looking for further information TODAY on the Coleman-Mach 10 NDQ, you probably won’t find much.  But I’ve been in touch with the folks at Coleman-Mach, and they tell me that they are updating their website this week, and they should have more information on the NDQ available by the end of the week.  I’ll come back and update this post with their official links once I see that it’s live.

Enjoy the video and we’ll see you on the road!