The Road To Wellness: Why Should I Exercise?

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In part 4 of my series on living well, we’ll be looking at the 3rd Limb of Wellness: Exercise. Grab a drink and settle in. I’ve got a lot to say on this topic.

James and I just got done recording a podcast with the super-charming Heath Padgett of the RV Entrepreneur. Heath, and his wife Alyssa, live full-time in their Winnebago Brave they’ve named “Merica”, and they run a popular podcast for others interested in working from the road. Heath had us on to talk about the challenges of staying fit as full-timers. He shared his own struggles with staying motivated, and then he asked me the most interesting question I’ve had in a long time.

But why should I exercise?

He didn’t mean it in an argumentative sort of way. It was asked from a place of true curiosity. It reminded me that without a background understanding of “why”, our entire motivation system to DO exercise is already broken from the get-go. So, this article, Heath, is for you. And for anyone else struggling to stay motivated.


The Body’s Default Modes: Growth or Decay

Depending mostly on your age, your body is running off a default mode of either growing or decaying. Now, Heath, who’s probably somewhere in his 20’s is lucky. His default mode is still growth. So, when he neglects getting exercise, his body is still pretty forgiving about it. But if you’re young and reading this, by no means does this mean you’re off the hook with exercise.  While you may not decay if you slack on your exercise, your energy, mood, strength, illnesses, and your future health are all wrapped up in getting physical activity.

And then we get a little older.

Probably somewhere around our 40’s (or so) that free ride of youth ends, and our body stops being forgiving when we neglect exercise. Exactly when it’ll happen depends on how well we treated our body up to that point (and good old genetics). But you can be sure it inevitably WILL happen, and you’ll find yourself transitioning from Growth Default Mode to Decay Default Mode. You’ll be in Decay Default Mode for the rest of your life. I know that sounds pretty depressing, but there’s very good news here. There is a way we can override the Decay Default Mode! There’s only one way though, and there are no shortcuts. Guess what it is? Yup. Exercise.


Aging: The Most Misunderstood Term Ever

When you think of aging, what comes to mind? Here let me help. Weak, slow, decrepit, body aches and pains, etc. None of those ailments however are aging. While aging is a normal process, and we’re all doing it right now this very moment, it’s easily confused with decaying. We all seem to have the bar set so low that we assume becoming decrepit is part of the aging process. It isn’t. Aging is up to nature, but decaying… that’s all on you. Consider these statistics I got from Dr. Henry Lodge, author of Younger Next Year:

  • 70% of decay that occurs alongside aging…weakness, sore joints, sketchy balance, feeling crappy…can be held at bay almost until the very end of life with regular exercise.
  • 50% of the illnesses and injuries you have in the last third of your life can be eliminated by changing your lifestyle to include regular exercise.
  • 70% of premature deaths are lifestyle-related.

Decaying is an optional part of the aging process that you can either allow to happen or you can combat. And since there’s no magic pill to do the work for you, you’ve only got one weapon. Exercise.


HOW you live is largely under your control.

In the earlier parts of this article series, I touched on the mind-body relationship, and have been waiting for a chance to get deeper into that. It’s here! Okay, so first, let’s think of ourselves in two parts. The mind… that’s one. The body… that’s the other.  Your mind is the director of the whole operation, in charge of everything you think, feel, and direct the body to do. The body, however, is separate from that. It is deaf, dumb, and blind. The mind talks and directs, and the body has no choice but to obey. So, your mind wields all the power.

The problem with finding exercise motivation lies within the disconnect between these two parts. The body craves exercise to grow, strengthen, and amp up your disease-prevention, but the body can’t DO exercise alone. It has to wait for the mind to direct some exercise implementation. But our mind can be pretty complacent, and would rather meet its own needs over the body’s… by engaging in things the mind finds more pleasurable to do.

Do you have a pet? I ask because I’m always so fascinated how easily people can neglect their own bodies, yet they are incredibly loving and nurturing and would sacrifice anything for Fido. Kind of twisted, isn’t it?! If we had that sort of nurturing relationship with our own bodies, imagine how enormous the potential changes to our wellness levels would be. Maybe that’s what we all need to do. Think of our bodies as another pet we need to nurture and care for.

So basically what I’m trying to say here is that you need to find a way to make your mind take on a more nurturing role over the needs of your body. The key to doing just that is through practicing the Yamas and Niyamas, which are the first two limbs of wellness, as we discussed in parts 2 and 3 of this series. Once you can master that more nurturing mindset, you will have all the motivation you need to make exercise a priority in your life.


The Sloughing of the Body:

By the time you’re done reading this sentence, 50 million of your body’s cells will have died off and will be replaced. Some we lose through whatever we’re physically doing, some just reach the end of their lifespan, and others deliberately self-destruct. Cell lifespans vary, depending on what type of body part we’re talking about. For example, your bones get completely regenerated every decade, and your red blood cells live only for about 4 months. So, that arm that’s been lifting your coffee cup while you read? It’s a totally new arm from the one you had 10 years back. It’s pretty weird when you think of the body like that, isn’t it. But, there are some cells we keep from birth to death, so you can squash that old myth that we’re a totally different person every 7 years. We aren’t. (So quit using that as your excuse for that mullet you rocked back in the 80s, James…)

Even your muscles cells are completely replaced about 3 times a year.  That’s where exercise comes in. Exercise sets off hundreds of chemical processes that signal the cells towards “growth” mode, which overwhelms that default mode of decay. And THAT, gang, truly is the foundation for aging well. Exercise rebuilds the body with a stronger immune system, a heightened resistance to many diseases, increased energy, a sharper mind, and a strengthened body that moves more efficiently through life. Without exercise, our muscles go back to that default mode, and decay wins the day. So, when I talk about aging well, this is it. You’ve got two choices to how you’ll age. You can either get up and go exercise or you can continue on a path of decaying. There is no other choice.

And Finally…answering Heath’s Question:

So Heath, all of this was my long-winded way of getting back to your question, “why should I exercise.” Here’s your answer. You exercise for Future Heath. He depends on it to keep the Heath Machine running at its highest efficiency. You don’t exercise for Present Heath, he’s already the product of whatever choices Past Heath made and you can’t change where you are right now. You can only change what happens next.


How Much Exercise?

So now we finally get to the action plan. To age well and to keep decay-mode at bay, you need to…

Exercise 6 days a week.

It is non-negotiable, and it is also for the rest of your life. Mix it up with mostly cardio and strength, but make sure you’re also working your flexibility and balance, too. And while I wish I could tell you that just getting 10,000 steps each day will cover you, it won’t. The intensity of your workouts is everything. You need to be working out at a level where you’re uncomfortable. Where you’re sweaty. 10,000 steps counts your trips to the fridge, the bathroom, and simply walking around doing daily living tasks. None of those steps are intense enough to trigger the training response… which is the chemical processes that occur when we do moderate to high intensity exercise. So, doing 10,000 leisurely steps doesn’t combat your Decay Default Mode. You won’t get any “growth” benefits that you need to get stronger and healthier.

Shoot for your workout sessions lasting around an hour.

And don’t bother with those amping-up-gradually strategies, you need to jump right in. Start today! I challenge you to make exercise your new most important task…the thing at the top of your daily To Do list. We’re all already programmed at “going to work”, so thinking of it as your “job” helps, too. My friends, NOTHING you are doing from your 40’s on is as important as daily exercise. (I bolded, underlined, and italicized because it’s the most important thing I’ve said this whole article.) Plus what we do BEFORE our 40’s sets us up for a good 40s-and-beyond so that’s just as important. And by the way, it’s okay to hate exercise. Just do it anyway.


Stef’s Tips for Making it Happen:

  1. Make a big stink about starting this new exercise-based lifestyle. Tell everyone, throw a party, go buy a bike, plan a weeklong high-intensity adventure trip in the RV…just do something to make your new commitment meaningful.
  2. Take action that will deepen your commitment. Hire a personal trainer, join a gym, experiment with group classes, or find a sport you love doing and immerse yourself in it. The key here is not just saying you’ll do it, put some effort into creating change so you really will do it.
  3. Set a time each day for exercise. Make that time each day untouchable. Having a schedule makes it more of a habit…and habits are everything in human nature. It helps us go on auto-pilot and stick with it.


So, there you have it… my thoughts on creating an exercise-based lifestyle. You know, it’s funny. I recently put up a Facebook picture of James exercising at the campsite. Someone commented with this: “When I go RVing I don’t want to exercise. I want to sit by a fire and drink wine! The Fit RV, ridiculous!”  She felt so strongly that exercise on vacation is ridiculous, she left a comment. I think I can guess which default mode she’s currently functioning in. I couldn’t inspire her to rethink her wellness, but maybe, just maybe, I’ve planted a seed with you? After all, your health…and how you choose to age…depends on it.

Comments are appreciated! Feel free to continue the conversation down below. And if you’re ready to read on to Part 5 of this article series, CLICK HERE!






After 15 years as an educator in both the public K-12 setting and the University level in Special Physical Education, Stef made the leap to her true passion… the fitness world. She’s currently a personal trainer and wellness coach specializing in seniors, medical conditions, and injuries. Stef loves running, cycling, and being “Mugga” to her two favorite mini-humans — Punky and Marshmallow. ❤️

    18 thoughts on “The Road To Wellness: Why Should I Exercise?

    1. H. L.

      Nice as you have made some wonderful points for anyone to ponder. When I worked I ran, walked almost every day for 35-years. During my first five years of retirement, I stopped and the weight came on like a large overcoat. Then a story I read was most helpful stating in-part: “If you have to move out fast without a car, bike. How fast could you run, walk a mile? two or even 5-miles.” got me to thinking. I could one run a mile in under 8-mins. today not so fast as I have a medical issue with my left foot. But I’m up to five miles now, but doing one mile in under 20-mins. Good FITNESS information and a must read.

      1. Stefany - Post author

        I love it when something we read resonates so strongly with us it leads to good change! Sounds like that story you read was the kicker for you, that’s awesome. Glad you got your fitness back! Now keep going! xo

    2. Heath Padgett

      Wow, I feel majorly called out (in a good way). I so loved this article Stefany. It’s exactly what I needed and thank you so much for spelling this out for me and everyone else. I don’t think anyone has ever explained that “why” so succinctly.

      Thank you again,

      Heath <– the lazy one referenced above

      1. Stefany - Post author

        LOL, Heath! Recording your podcast was so timely! I knew I wanted to write SOMETHING about exercise, and with one simple question, you completely inspired the direction I took. Thanks for that inspiration! 🙂

    3. Sandy

      Just chatting with a co-worker who turned 50 yesterday. I pointed out she could easily live 50 more years,so get going and make the most of it…she replied we better go walk at lunch!

      1. Stefany - Post author

        Having a buddy to exercise with is a huge motivation boost…you keep each other accountable! It’s great she’s ready for power-walks during lunch break and I hope it’ll become a habit…heck, perhaps you two could make a pact that every Mon, Wed, Fri will be non-negotiable power walk days. Just remember no strolling; walk faster than comfort and get sweaty! I’ll be rooting for you both!

    4. Brian Hjelmervik

      Why exercise? Why not just ride the bike? Exercise is just one more thing on the to do list that gets in the way of riding. Get an RV that can take a tandem and have twice the fun. You guys should try a tandem in Lance.

      1. Stefany - Post author

        Well I certainly agree that bike-riding is AWESOME! But, as far as aging well, it alone isn’t enough. Don’t neglect your strength workouts! And PS I’d LOVE a tandem! But since we already roll with 4 bikes for the two of us, we’ll first need a bigger RV!!! 🙂

    5. Bill Sprague


      Nicely written and very encouraging. You and James are two of the main reasons I’m coming out of my sedentary life slum. I bought a trike and will be using it for most of my exercise and daily travels. I’m tired of being fat.



      1. Stefany - Post author

        Wow, Bill, how did I miss this? Sorry for the delayed response. I’m incredibly humbled to learn we played a role in you making some huge lifestyle changes. Gosh, Bill, thank you so much for telling me! Please do keep in touch, I’d love to help and support you any way I can as you continue on your new health-focused journey! #proudofyou xoxoxoxoxoxoxo

    6. JL

      Do you need higher intensity exercise every day to get the benefit or can you break it up into fewer days but longer stretches for more total hours per week? (Example: biking 2 hours twice during the week and at least 4 hours on weekends, with less strenuous days between.)

      For those with health or joint issues (and even those without), I HIGHLY recommend getting a recumbent trike (great resource:, especially the Message Board – Specialty Discussions / Trikes). Recumbent trikes aren’t cheap, but they’re definitely an investment in your health and much cheaper than medical bills, the alternative. Plus, they’re SUPER FUN to ride, like a human-powered go-cart! I was such a non-cyclist when I got mine that I spent the first week learning to properly shift the gears. Now my life revolves around cycling. It’s opened up a whole new world. Things I’ve discovered on the 150+ miles of paved trail near my house: an olive grove and farmstore (I didn’t even know olives could grow in our climate), peacocks, miniature ponies pulling mini carts, tiny dogs in sparkly tutus chillin’ at a cafe, a group of cyclists traveling cross-country from Alaska to Key West, scenic farms / ranches, and hidden urban parks. The key to having an active lifestyle is to find an activity you enjoy or to find a way to make it fun (play favorite music, find a buddy, change up the environment, etc). Once you get into the habit, your body will crave exercise. If you find an activity you enjoy, your mind will crave it, too!

      1. Stefany - Post author

        Love that advice, JL! It’s true the body does seem to get to a point where it craves exercise if you do it regularly enough. And as for your first question about taking the 6-days-a-week rule and breaking it into less days with more hours, I call that “banking,” and I don’t allow my personal training clients to do that unless it’s once in awhile, for a special reason like a trip coming up where they won’t be able to exercise for whatever reason, or if they’ve overtrained and their body needs healing time. Sure, you can work out in one day much longer than an hour, go for it and I would encourage that! But if you hike 6 hours in a day, that doesn’t mean you’re covered the next 5 days. The way the body repairs and rejuvenates, we need exercise frequently to see the best benefits. Now that doesn’t mean that if you have a super intense 3 hour bike ride one day that the next day’s hour workout should be super intense too. You still exercise the next day, but you lower the intensity level, even switch up the modalities (so maybe stretching/yoga day after hard riding day) so you aren’t overtraining. I’m glad you asked about that! It’s so common for people to “bank” and it really isn’t the most efficient way to fight the Decay Default Mode.

    7. Paul H.

      Well written Stefany! As a medical professional, if we can only use one word of advice to better your health it is “exercise”. Recent studies are demonstrating that you are better off being obese, smoking, or having a poor diet than being sedentary. Although we should strive to avoid all these the importance of exercise is clear. For those intereted in more here is a great book that does a excellent job expanding on your points, discussing the science in an easily understood and entertaining way.
      Younger Next Year

      1. Stefany - Post author

        Paul this is so true! I’ve seen the research that being sedentary is worse than smoking, and it is just mind-blowing to me. Glad you brought it up, everyone should be aware of it. And! I’m so glad you’re a fan of one of my favorite fitness motivational books! It’s definitely an expansion on what I’ve briefly discussed in this article, so anybody craving more check it out!

    8. Sandra Thornberry

      I could not agree more! I have joined the gym,and make sure that I get there everyday now. No, when I first started, every OTHER day seemed impossible, but keep trying. You will get there! I make sure that my cocker spaniels get two, 40 minute walks, daily, I shoot for a third walk, but it doesn’t always happen. We will get there, but the benefit of two walks is that my spaniels are getting svelte and in shape. They no longer have fat pads, they don’t pant and gasp after 20 minutes, and they look forward to their outings! Here is what most people don’t think about-you feel better after exercising daily. I started reforming my meals and getting physical-so that I felt younger, lighter, and ready to embrace life. That is the true payoff!

      1. Stefany - Post author

        Sandra, this is fantastic! You’re walking proof that what I’m talking about works, thanks so much for confirming it. It’s invigorating living a life of health, isn’t it?!?! I’m sooo proud of you girl, keep going and never stop! xoxo


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